This section of my blog is dedicated to inspirational and motivating quotes. I will be adding to this section of my blog as I come across new inspirational sayings. I feel these speak for themselves!
"When we strengthen families, we ultimately strengthen the community. Our goal is that parents everywhere work with supportive providers, feel confident in their parenting role, and form strong, resilient attachments with their children. To help achieve this, providers must be responsive to parents, knowledgeable about child development, and eager to see every parent succeed."
T. Berry Brazelton, MD
"We hope that we are moving way beyond an "either-or" debate about child care. The question is not whether children should be in child care, the issue is about how infants, children and families can best be supported and how each family can have the best available information and options to pursue what is best for them. The challenge is to support families and child care providers so that the quality of care improves in all settings where infants and children are cared for, and that quality is reflected by nurture of parents as well as their children."
T. Berry Brazelton, MD
"I think what I've learned over time [as a pediatrician] is not to ask questions, but to listen."
T. Berry Brazelton, MD
"I always appreciate when early childhood staff and administrators can suspend judgment long enough to try to understand a perspective that may not be theirs. That's an important first step to getting in tune with families."
Janet Gonzalez-Mena, M.A.
"The first experience of compassion infants can get is gentle, caring touch, which gives a strong message, especially when accompanied by eye contact and a soft tone of voice. The baby knows that she is cared about as she is being cared for."
Janet Gonzalez-Mena, M.A.
"The angry adult who tries to stop aggression with aggression gives a confusing lesson."
Janet Gonzalez-Mena, M.A.
"My passion is to make sure all children are taught in an environment and in ways that truly nurtured their abilities to grow and develop to their fullest potential."
Louise Derman-Sparks
video clip from The Passion for Early Childhood, 2010
"I am not here to save the world but to make a difference in the community that I'm working in."
Raymond Hernandez
video clip from The Passion for Early Childhood, 2010
"If your life is missing joy, you are missing the moment."
Becky A. Bailey, Ph.D. from her book "I Love You Rituals"
"Brain research indicates that although nature provides the raw materials for brain development, nurture is the architect. How we interact with our children profoundly shapes their brains. We literally custom design our children's brains. Many of the behaviors we see can be traced to the original bonding experiences between children and their caregivers."
Becky A. Bailey, Ph.D. from her book "I Love You Rituals"
"The healing of ourselves, of each other, and of our children, and of society begins one bond at a time."
Becky A. Bailey, Ph.D. from her book "I Love You Rituals"
The quote from the pediatrician " I have learned overtime to not question but to listen really says alot. Sometimes we do need to just listen and ask fewer question. I think it would really make a different in a child's life. We often time ask alot of questions and in reality a child might just want you to just listen to what they have to say. This quote really gave me something to think about.
ReplyDeleteYou either-or quote about child care is so true! I feel, that over the past 25 years that I have been in the child care business, that child care has evolved! We were babysitters! Now we are educators! We were substitute moms. Now we are trained care givers! Even though child care has changed, for the better, over the years, the most important thing hasn't changed. The love for the children.
Mary L.