
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

When I try to analyze the people who've had an impact on my life and then narrow that down to five people, it is impossible...but I will do my best.   I am the oldest of 3 children.  Here is a picture of my mom, dad and I before the other rugrats (and I say that will the love I have in my heart for my siblings) joined us.

My family has always been a very close family.  I have many memories growing up of family get togethers, sleep overs at my grandparents' houses and even at my aunt's house in Columbus, which for a young girl was a long way to travel to spend a week away from home.  My Grandma Joy always had pudding pops in her freezer and she pretty much let us do anything we wanted when we were at her house.  We'd play outside all day long, exploring her yard, trees and the woods behind her house.  We would put the little wading pool under the slide, put the hose down the slide and create our very own water slide.  I can remember her rubbing my back before I would fall asleep and no matter how many times I would say rub more, she would.  She had rope swings, toys for us to dig with and ENDLESS patience for all of us.  At times she would have up to 6 of her grandchildren visiting at one time and she loved every minute of it and had a way of making each of us feel special. 

Grandma Gean always made homemade waffles for us when we stayed over at her house and to this day I have never had a waffle that tasted as good as hers.  I have her exact recipe and my waffles still aren't as good as hers...just proving that when you add love to your cooking it tastes better.  We spent many hours in Grandma Gean's garden and for a few summers when I was young we canned our own tomato juice.  One of my chidlhood friends, Melinda, remembers that as well and we still talk about it to this day.

 My Aunt Nancy, who has always made it a point to remind my siblings and I that she is our ONLY "blood aunt" would meet my parents halfway to Columbus each summer so that I could spend a week with her and my cousins.  I always had so much fun going to the pool, playing with my older cousins, shopping and just spending time with them.  Looking back on the memories I have with my grandparents and aunt, it was the time we spent together that made all the difference.  It made me feel special and loved.

This is Grandma Joy, Grandma Gean and Aunt Nancy at my son's birthday party last year.  It means so much to me that they could come and celebrate with us.  It was the last time my Grandma Gean came to my house as she is now in a nursing home and unable to travel. 

Melinda was a very important friend to me growing up.  She was 2 years older than me but we did so much together when we were young.  We played doll houses, rode bikes, took care of our younger siblings and made dozens and dozens and dozens of cookies as children.  We would end up eating so much of the cookie dough we'd get sick and not be able to eat any of the cookies.  Melinda and I were very close friends for many years when we were in elementary school but grew apart some as we got older.  Then her parents went through a divorce, she moved out of our neighborhood and we kind of lost track of each other.  We kept in touch through our parents over the years and always knew what was happening in each other's lives but we lived so far apart (I was in Florida, California, England and Wisconsin and she was in Ohio).  When I moved back to Ohio Melinda and I reconnected.  I bowl with her every Tuesday night and we have a group of women that get together once a month (our girls night girls).  It was like we were never apart.  She is like family to me.  She'd always called my parents her second parents and I've always thought of her mom as my second mom.

Here are some pictures...Melinda and our group of neighborhood kids on my first day of kindergarten (my brother is in the picture as well)...Melinda, my sister Jenn and myself now.

Now on to my family, the greatest people in the parents, brother and sister.  We've always been a very close family.  I have so many memories that I am not even sure where to begin.  One thing my parents instilled in all of us is how important family is.  My children were both born in California and I was so sad when I would think of all the "family" things they would miss out on living so far from their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  In 2007, after a life changing event, we were able to move back to Ohio.  The saying goes that "everything happens for a reason" and although I still question why some things had to happen I am very grateful to be in Ohio and close to my family again.   As a child I can remember my grandparents attending every Grandparent's Day I had at school.  We moved back the summer before Aaron began kindergarten and my parents have not missed his or Alex's Grandparent's Day.  I question why things happen less and less as time goes on because I see how the past has created a family connection for my children that is vital to their childhood and something I would never want to change.  

Here is a picture of my parents with Aaron and Alex at Grandparent's Day this year.

One of the family rituals my parents had growing up was making it a point to have us sit down to eat dinner together (NO TV) and talk about our day.  I do that with my children now and find it to be so valuable in learning about their day and it being a "nonrushed" time when we can just enjoy each other.  Growing up we each had jobs to do after dinner, the rule was if you didn't help cook you had to help clean up.  I can remember doing dishes at a young age and then learning how to cook because I would much rather cook than clean.  Funny how that has changed...I'd rather do the dishes now!  Something that hasn't changed however are the family dinners...they aren't every evening at my parent's house but every Sunday at 5:00 my sister and her family, brother and his family and my family desend upon my parents house in a whirlwind of children, talking, laughing, eating and cleaning up.  My dad cooks for all of us, we eat together and then we clean up.  I feel so lucky and blessed to be able to have this time with family and to show my children how important connectedness with your family is.  My family is so close we even take our vacations together.  This summer will be the 4th year that we have rented a beach house on the Outerbanks of NC and spent a week together relaxing. playing and just being a family.  We all look forward to that time together.  We start planning the vacation in December or January and then have all winter to dream about our summer get-a-way.  My children get wonderful time to connect with their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents and I get time to spend with my nieces and nephews.  We always leave exhausted and need a vacation from our vacation but every person in our family is creating lasting memories together.

 Here is my family at the beach a couple of years ago.  The children have changed over the past couple of years and I we've added my fiancee to the mix but you get the idea of how close we are to each other. 

My family's love and encouragement got me through the darkest time in my life.  Without my sister's love, humor and encouragment I wouldn't be the person I am today.  As children we fought as most siblings do.  I was 5 years older than her and she was mostly a "pest".  Now that we are adults, I couldn't imagine my life without her. She is now one of my best friends.  I tell my boys all the time when they are fighting "that is the only brother you are ever going to have, family takes care of each other, loves each other and stands by you like no one else ever will".  I know at this age they are bound to fight but I hope as they grow up they grow closer and can support each other through life's hardest times.  Family is there to celebrate each success and support you through each failure. 

 Here are some brother, sister and I this year at the Cleveland Browns game and my boys at the beach.

Growing up I had many people in my life that made me feel special.  They took the time to play with me, talk to me, make cookies with me, teach me things and they have helped to create the person that I am today.  I know how important it is to connect with children and make them feel special.  It doesn't take a lot of time, but the quality of time is what is important.  One week each summer with my only "blood aunt" and years later I still remember the love she gave me.  Being a close family that nurtured each other, stuck by each other, taught each other can't replace that with anything.  As an adult I want to be that person for my children, nieces, nephews and my students.

 My youngest niece and nephew with me when they were babies, they are 2 now.

One of my favorite quotes:
Other things may change us but we start and end with family- Anthony Brandt

Not only did I have a very active close family growing up with amazing friends to help mold me into the person I am today, I had some phenominal teachers.  Two teachers that stand out for me are my 1st and 6th grade teachers.  Mrs. Lahr (1st grade) taught me to read.  She had such patience and I can't thank  her enough for encouraging me to read.  To this day reading is one of my favorite past times.  I never seem to have "bored" moments because I can always grab a book to read.  Ms. Yockey (6th grade)...boy was she tough.  In fact the summer before 6th grade when I found out I was going to be in her class I was so nervous.  She expected greatness out of every one of her students and although I wasn't a lazy student or a below average student I felt there was no way I could be successful in her class.  She proved me wrong.  She was tough and she said her job was getting us ready for middle school and she got me ready.  Not only did I succeed in her class, she became one of my all time favorite teachers.  She pushed without criticizing, she made us think and she made me realize the potential I had to be a really great student.  I will never be able to thank her enough because not only did she instill in me a continued love of learning, she created in me the "you can do it" spirit.  I realized that after succeeding in her class I could handle middle school and any other academic trials that came my way.

I hope the children who had me as a preschool or 1st grade teacher remember me as a nurturing, caring, thoughtful yet tough teacher.  A teacher that challenged them but did not lead them to frustration, a teacher that showed them how to do something so they could continue to grow as individuals and realize their true potential in life.

My childhood was shaped by, friends, teachers and my adulthood continues to be shaped by them as well as my own children.


  1. What a warm and wholehearted memoir you shared, Amy! I can only imagine how much time you put into writing it, though I would also imagine that it was personally gratifying to do so. You share all about the basics of life. Those simple acts, words, and rituals are the ones that you remembered! Yet all of those simple acts, words, and rituals were birthed out of your relationships with the people in your life.
    I pray that as educators, we will all remember those simplicities of life and make our relationships with the children we teach the very foundation of our days. Thank you so much for opening the door to your childhood, giving me a seat in your home, and sharing your story. It was refreshing and inspiring.

  2. Thanks Cindy!
    I am lucky to have the kind of family that I have...not all children are so lucky and my heart aches for them. That is why as their teacher it is so important that we leave a positive, nurturing, loving impact on their lives!

  3. Amy the love you have for your family and the influence they have had on you life is evident in how thourghly you write about them. Sisters hold a special place in my heart because my parents never gave me one but my Grandmother did when she had my Aunt when I was 4 years old. Like you and your sister, we fought and experienced sibling rivalry. When we grew up we became the best of friends. There's nothing better when you can call on you sister to help you muddle through issues in your life.

  4. Stephanie,
    I completely agree with you about sisters. Whether biologically your sister or a sister through circumstance, there is no greater bond than that of a "sister". I have a plague hanging in my office that my sister gave me "I smile because you are my sister, I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it." I love looking at that plaque and thinking of my sister. Now that we are both moms we are even closer and I love her kids (and my brother's kids) like no other children out there.
