
Thursday, February 24, 2011


Well I've almost made it through my first graduate level course, we are in the last week...and I must say what a journey it has been.  I can honestly say that I didn't do this alone...sure I read the articles, completed my discussions, blogs and papers on my own but without the unwavering support of my family, friends, instructor and colleagues I would not be continuing this wonderful journey.  And so I say NEXT...bring on the next class, the next instructor, the next group of classmates that I can learn so much from.  It has been an amazing journey so far and I can't wait to see what I learn about myself and the early childhood field as I continue on... ... ...


  1. Amy,
    I think I commented more on your blogs and discussion boards. You are inspiring. Being an Ohio native and discovering that you work to improve the early experiences for the children in my home state, made you one of my favorites. I wish you well in this Masters quest and in your upcoming marriage. Tell your son, I may end up being his professor at Option University.

  2. Amy,
    I would like to register my appreciation to you for your support and encouragement in this course. Words are powerful, they can pull down and they can lift up. Your comments has been of tremendous source of courage and encouragement in this course to me. You are such a loving colleague. Thanks for letting me drink from your well of wisdom. Hope to meet you in future courses.

  3. I would like to say thank you. I have recieved more support from my colleagues at Walden than my family/friends. The encouragement I felt has been so very needed especially when I felt as if I was over my head. Thank Thank Thank for all your support and encouragement.

  4. I love your attitude, Amy! "Bring it on". We're going to "bring it on" together. I look forward to having you as a colleague again. I did not anticipate that we would learn so much from our classmates. That part has been a nice bonus. By the way, did I mention I have two boys too? Mine are much older, though. Miles is 16 and John Michael is 13. With your boys being so young, I'm sure it must have been a challenge to get all assignments completed. It was a challenge for me. I look forward to staying with you on this journey, Amy.

  5. Amy, I would like to thank you for your support and inspirtation throughout this course. The support and ideas that we have shared through discussion board, and blogs have been so beneficial towards reaching our goals in the early childhood field. It has been an amazing journey, and I'm looking forward to learning even more in the next course.
